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حساب كمي

أكتشف السر والسحر

  1. فكر بعدد معين ثنائي المنزلة (مثال 39)
  2. أنقص من العدد المعين مجموع ارقامه (39 - (3 + 9) = 27)
  3. فتش عن العدد الناتج واحفظ صورته
  4. بعدها اضغط على المربع الأخضر! اليس هذا نفس الشكل؟

Mind Reader

At times it is hard to figur e out how something works, and some things seem to have no explanation at all! Our genes and how they work used to be like that. Genes are the instructions (the marching orders) that direct our growth and determine what we look like and how we react to things in our environment. But we could not see those "instructions" just by looking at our bodies, so genes and their effect on our health remained a mystery for many years. But now scientists are "solving" that mystery for us.

  1. Pick a number (dual) (example 39)
  2. Subtract the sum of your number digits (example 39 - (3 + 9) = 27 )
  3. Find the equal icon from the table
  4. Click on the Green square. Is it your guess?